I would like to support ICTIC, its advocacy and cause…
I am interested in making a charitable donation to ICTIC…

We warmly welcome all your support and donations!

As a non-profit organization, contributing to ICTIC offers a gratifying experience. We strive to make it as simple and enjoyable as possible. Explore more ways to lend your support in our detailed FAQ below.

What are the possibilities?

Charitable donations can be made by an individual or in the name of another person or organization. We recognize golden hearts and kindness through our website and social media channels. We also offer a certificate of recognition and awards to all who support our advocacy and cause.

What is the donation process?

Any Support and/or Donations can be made by sending us a letter of intent at contribute@icticph.org, and a response will be sent back to you with a set of instructions represented by an authorized officer.

Is there transparency for the donor and for the ICTIC members?

All support and donations are transparently reported, backed with social media highlights, which serve as a confirmation of completion, and these proceeds have reached their purpose.

Do you accept cash and/or in-kind support or donations?

We will be happy to accommodate and explore possibilities as long as there is no violation of any laws within the Philippines and/or the donor’s country of origin. We do not entertain illegal transactions or any engagements that may fall under an illegal act.

We'd be happy to learn more about your potential involvement. Whether you're an individual or an organization, feel free to connect with us using any of the following methods: