Partner with Us

Become a part of our mission to drive continuous development in the Philippines' ICT industry. Our Yearlong Membership for 2024 offers unique benefits tailored to both Academic Organizations and Company Partners. Explore the opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth.

Membership Comparison

Features Academic Organization Company Partner
Event Offerings Free Access to Webinars, Preferred rate for events / sponsorships Free Access to Webinars, Preferred rate for events / sponsorships
Learning Opportunities Access to Self-Paced Courses, Specialized training programs Access to Self-Paced Courses, Specialized training programs
Career Growth Access to Networking Events, Internship & Job Boards Access Access to Networking Events, Internship & Job Boards Access
Organization Perks Internal dissemination of Event Promos, Access to Speaker Pool for Events Internal dissemination of Event Promos, Access to Speaker Pool for Events
Event Promotion Internal dissemination of events, Sharing to Organization’s page, Likes and shares to publicity materials* Internal dissemination of events, Likes and shares to publicity materials*
Organization Duties Function as official event partners, Coordinate with ICTIC Representatives Function as official event sponsors, Coordinate with ICTIC Representatives, Contribute to an initiative of ICTIC
Marketing & Promotions (Company Partner Only) CSR/Marketing mileage, Speaking engagement in events, Promotion of products and services
Strategic Linkages (Company Partner Only) Access to skilled talent pool, Access to educational institutions